Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Great Expectations Essay
One of the most prominent themes in Great Expectations was that a person’s worth lies in the goodness of his heart or the, content of his character, rather than in his wealth or social status. Dickens clearly makes this true throughout each of Pip’s expectations. In Pip’s first great expectation, Dickens makes it evident that the young ignorant Pip was truly happy and was a great person. During Pip’s second expectation, it is easily deduced that even when Pip had money he was still a kind and caring person. Lastly, in Pip’s third expectation, he encounters a truly humbling experience and learns that others too can be kind or cruel regardless of social status. Henry David Thoreau once said, â€Å"Money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul.†This statement is very true in Great Expectations. In the beginning of the story, Pip was not wealthy. However, this young boy was happy (as well as naà ¯ve). He had a good heat and was caring. Being naà ¯ve was probably the source of his happiness and kindness though. Before Estella and wealth â€Å"brainwashed†Pip, he was a happy, carefree boy. Afterwards, he was miserable and cruel to his real â€Å"family†, Biddy and Joe. An allusion corresponding to this instance would be â€Å"Adam and Eve†. Before they partook of the fruit of knowledge, they were happy living in the Garden of Eden. After they lost their ignorance they became miserable and had to leave their paradise. Pip was truly happy and wealthy (in friends and family) before he had ever considered becoming a gentleman. Once Pip started to receive money and was considered wealthy, he was still a good person. However, Estella’s influence and his want to â€Å"fit-in†with the upper-class made him treat Joe and Biddy as Estella had treated him (like an incoherent moron who didn’t deserve respect). Pip was still sensitive though. He had remorse for how he treated Joe and often wanted to go visit him. Pip also was a very ... Free Essays on Great Expectations Essay Free Essays on Great Expectations Essay One of the most prominent themes in Great Expectations was that a person’s worth lies in the goodness of his heart or the, content of his character, rather than in his wealth or social status. Dickens clearly makes this true throughout each of Pip’s expectations. In Pip’s first great expectation, Dickens makes it evident that the young ignorant Pip was truly happy and was a great person. During Pip’s second expectation, it is easily deduced that even when Pip had money he was still a kind and caring person. Lastly, in Pip’s third expectation, he encounters a truly humbling experience and learns that others too can be kind or cruel regardless of social status. Henry David Thoreau once said, â€Å"Money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul.†This statement is very true in Great Expectations. In the beginning of the story, Pip was not wealthy. However, this young boy was happy (as well as naà ¯ve). He had a good heat and was caring. Being naà ¯ve was probably the source of his happiness and kindness though. Before Estella and wealth â€Å"brainwashed†Pip, he was a happy, carefree boy. Afterwards, he was miserable and cruel to his real â€Å"family†, Biddy and Joe. An allusion corresponding to this instance would be â€Å"Adam and Eve†. Before they partook of the fruit of knowledge, they were happy living in the Garden of Eden. After they lost their ignorance they became miserable and had to leave their paradise. Pip was truly happy and wealthy (in friends and family) before he had ever considered becoming a gentleman. Once Pip started to receive money and was considered wealthy, he was still a good person. However, Estella’s influence and his want to â€Å"fit-in†with the upper-class made him treat Joe and Biddy as Estella had treated him (like an incoherent moron who didn’t deserve respect). Pip was still sensitive though. He had remorse for how he treated Joe and often wanted to go visit him. Pip also was a very ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Batch Number Search in FamilySearch Historical Records
Batch Number Search in FamilySearch Historical Records Many of the extracted vital and parish records from the original International Genealogical Index (IGI), as well as some of the collections created through FamilySearch Indexing, are part of FamilySearchs Historical Records Collection. For genealogists who previously used batch numbers in the IGI, batch number search in the Historical Records Collection offers a shortcut to searching a specific records collection. Batch numbers also offer yet another way to manipulate your results at FamilySearch.org to find what youre looking for. What Is a Batch Number? Entries in the IGI come from two major sources of information: 1) individual submissions submitted by members of the LDS church and 2) information extracted by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from parish records and other vital records of birth, marriage and death from around the world. The latter group of extracted records are the ones that have been moved from the IGI into the Historical Records Collection. Batch numbers were also used to identify some of the record groups in FamilySearchs Vital Records Index collections, as well as assigned to many of the collections of indexed records that have been added through the work of volunteers and FamilySearchIndexing. Each group of records submitted has been assigned a batch number, which identifies the specific collection of historical records that an extracted record came from. For example, batch M116481 refers to the collection â€Å"Scotland Marriages, 1561-1910,†specifically marriages for Lanark, Lanarkshire, Scotland for the period 1855 to 1875. Records from a single parish will generally be grouped into anywhere from one to several batches. If a batch number begins with an M (marriage) or C (christening), then it usually means the information was extracted from original parish records. How to Search by Batch Number On the FamilySearch Historical Records Collection search page, select Advanced Search to use the Batch Number field.From a Search Results Page, click on New Search in the upper left-hand corner to bring up extra search fields for narrowing your search, including the Batch Number. With the batch number entered you arent required to complete any other field. You can enter only a surname to bring up all records from that batch/collection for that name. Or you can enter a first name only if you arent sure of a surname spelling. To find all children baptized in a particular parish you might try entering only the names (or just surnames) of the two parents. Or to view all extracted records from the batch as a single alphabetical file enter the batch number only, without a name or other information. How to Find Batch Numbers Many of the IGI and FamilySearch Indexing entries in the FamilySearch Historical Records Collection include a batch number in the source information at the bottom of an individual record page, as well as the microfilm number from which the batch was extracted (labeled source film number or film number). You can also find this information by clicking the little down triangle next to a name on the Search Results page to expand the index entry. An easy shortcut to finding batch numbers for a specific parish is offered at Hugh Wallis Web site, IGI Batch Numbers - British Isles and North America (United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the Channel Islands). His direct links no longer work with the new FamilySearch site (they still go to the old IGI site which will disappear at some future date), but you can still copy the batch number and paste it directly into the FamilySearch Historical Records Collection search form. Batch Number Guides Guides to batch numbers for many other countries have also been created and put online by genealogists. Some such IGI Batch Number Web sites include: Batch Numbers de los paises latinoamericanos - IGI batch numbers for the countries of Spain, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru and Mexico.Numà ©ros de BATCHS pour le Pays Basque et la Navarre - Batch numbers for the Basque Country (Spain) and Navarre.IGI batchnummers van Nederland en Belgià « - IGI batch numbers for the Netherlands and BelgiumIGI og VRI Batch-numre for Danmark, Norge og Sverige - Batch numbers for Denmark, Norway and Sweden.Les numà ©ros de batch de lIGI - Search the index or browse by dà ©partement to find Batch Numbers for France.IGI Index: Deutsches Batchnummern Verzeichnis - Browse for your German town of interest to find batch numbers specific to Germany.Batch Numbers de Italia - IGI batch numbers for Italy.Mexico IGI batch numbers - More than 3579 batch numbers for 32 Mexican states have been added so far.Batch numbers de las parroquias espaà ±olas microfilmadas - IGI batch numbers for parishes in Spain. One important reminder. The IGI, as helpful as it is, is a collection of extracted records, which means that there are likely to be some mistakes and overlooked records introduced during the extraction/indexing process. It is best to follow up on events found in all indexed records by viewing the original parish records, or microfilm copies of those records. All records indexed by batch number in the FamilySearch Historical Records Collection are available for viewing via microfilm loan at your local Family History Center.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Reflection paper Utopia book by Thomas Moore Essay
Reflection paper Utopia book by Thomas Moore - Essay Example It is such worrying that people are predisposed to resignation instead of believing and working towards the realization of such society. Personally, I believe that such society can be achieved eventually when everybody gets better. When we all get better as people, our priorities will change from superfluity towards improvement and rationality. Eventually we will also avoid war seeing its ill effects and will instead work towards the achievement of an ideal society. Many may criticize Moore’s idea of Utopia as outdated and being such, it is no longer applies to modern society. I disagree with that and idea in fact, Moore’s assessment of society is still true today especially with our consumerist tendency where we are lured towards consumerism by advertisements that draw us into the trap of materialism which More have adequately described. This consumerism, superfluity or love of gold as Moore puts it, is still the source of all the ills of our society which had been true during Moore’s day and it is still true
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Australian Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Australian Constitution - Essay Example Justice M.D. Kirby (1997) succinctly highlights the difficulties in this manner: "I have elsewhere tried to point out that the Australian Constitution can be viewed as reflecting a struggle, which is still ongoing, between British and United States elements captured in its text." (The Honourable Justice M D Kirby AC CMG, 1997) "In 1992 in Australian Capital Television Pty Ltd v Commonwealth the High Court struck down the Political Broadcasts and Political Disclosures Act 1991 (Cth) which restricted political advertising on the electronic media during Federal, State, Territory and local elections. In doing so, it recognized that the Australian Constitution contains an implied freedom to discuss political matters. This freedom was primarily derived from sections 7 and 24 of the Constitution, which respectively provide that the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives 'shall be ... directly chosen by the people'. As federal laws passed under section 51 of the Constitution are passed 'subject to this Constitution', such laws are invalid if they infringe the implied freedom" (William, George (b); 1996-97). The reason for the High Court decision was clear. The 'implied freedom' took precedence over Political Broadcasts and Political Disclosures Act 1991. Or, the 'implied freedom' was implicitly clear while the written law was irrelevant. The Australian constitution does not guarantee freedom of speech. However, the court ruled in favor of Australian Capital Television Pty Ltd quoting 'implied freedom'. The learned judge ruled on the merits of the case. Had he ruled on the basis of the written constitution, he would have ruled otherwise (William, George (b); 1996-97). The constitution is a powerful document. It is the overriding and supreme determinant. However, sometimes there are verdicts that appear to have little to do with the constitution. At times, they also appear to run counter to the constitution. Nonetheless, the judges are in better position to provide the ruling. The ruling reinforces what many believe that the Australian constitution is a little more than a legal document. In other words, the Australian constitution must be taken with a pinch of salt. Does this also mean that this constitution is inconsistent and has inadequacies No responsible judge will be expected to make such sweeping remarks. However, there could be a silent consensus on what the constitution ought to be (Justice and the Rule of Law). Disputes arise that demand a constitutional resolution. These disputes are handled by legal specialists and settled in the courts. But from time to time, controversies occur, drawing the country's attention to its constitution. These raise major national questions about whether acts of government or parliament, decisions or actions of officials are constitutional, that is, whether they are authorized by the ultimate source of law and power in Australia (Justice and the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Comparasion Wks Essay Example for Free
Comparasion Wks Essay Indiana Common Core Standards: †¢Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment. †¢Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums, determining which details are emphasized in each account. †¢Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. †¢Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. Part One Directions: Use the following criteria to compare the film Simon Birch to the short story The Scarlet Ibis. Simon BirchScarlet IbisSimilarities/Differences Characters †¢Main characters †¢Protagonist/Antagonist †¢Round/Flat †¢Static/Dynamic †¢Evidenceâ€â€use a quote from the text AND a line from the story to back up your answerSimon and joe Doodle and his big brotherThey erre both narrated by the second character Plot †¢Setting impact on plot (if any) †¢Events †¢Evidence Motivations †¢Characters †¢Same/different? †¢Evidence Tries to say that he is gods instrument Point of view †¢First or third person? †¢Limited or omniscient? †¢Evidence First person First personThey were both in first person and the narrator wasn’t the main character it was the second character Symbols †¢Symbols in story †¢Symbols in movie †¢Symbols that are similar in both †¢Anything left out? †¢EvidenceHis baseball cards and the armadillo The scarlet ibisThey both mean something to the main characters Theme †¢Theme of the movie †¢Theme of the story †¢Similarities in theme? †¢Differences in theme? †¢Evidence Setting †¢Setting of the story †¢Setting of the movie †¢Similarities in setting? †¢Differences in setting? †¢EvidenceI think that is takes place in the 1950’s? Because of the cars that was in the movie I dont know They both take place in the past Irony †¢Irony and type present in story †¢Irony and type present in movie †¢Similarities †¢Differences †¢EvidenceHe loved to play baseball and he loved joes mom but he killed her with a baseball that he hit into foul territory Situational irony Dramatic irony because when the scarlet ibis died we new that doodle was soon going to die Both of the main characters die
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Theater :: Personal Narrative Acting Papers
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Theater September 5, 2000: First Audition Less than a week ago, I had never auditioned for anything. Tonight, I was on stage with forty or so actors, most of whom had several plays to their credit. As I had neither a major, nor past plays to back me up, I was nervous. I survived it all anyway, and had fun despite the scary scary evaluative process. September 7, 2000: Callbacks The hyper-talkative freshman girl in my French class looked at the callback list before I had a chance to. She wouldn’t tell me if my name was on it, she only wanted to whine that hers wasn’t. After our classes were done, Kaitlin and I checked the list, and were both called back for both possible plays. (yeah!) The second round of auditions began at 7PM, so I had just enough time to get there after standard Thursday night wine tasting. My sister said it would bring me luck, â€Å"I would cast a cute pink-cheeked girl over a regular girl any day!†September 8, 2000: Cast List I’m in a play! Yeah for me! Yeah for me! I’m in a play and I have never been in one before! I have a character name and everything. I am Myrrhina in Plautus’ Roman farce â€Å"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Wedding.†My character is a drunk. Perhaps those pink cheeks gave me the edge I needed. Rehearsals start Monday, preliminary costume fitting after work today. Oh my. September 11, 2000: First Rehearsal I was the first one to arrive; Askanase auditorium was dark as I stepped tentatively onto the stage. A conference table sat with roughly 20 chairs guarding the periphery. My role prior to this point was that of an audience member; tonight, I entered a new world. Sitting in the glare of the harsh work lights, the chairs of the auditorium were hardly visible. I took a spot at the center of the table, not wanting to be too close to either end. I faced the door so that I could see the others as they filed in. Several of the cast members knew each other, I know them only as staples of the NDSU theater community. The group dynamic is a little intimidating; I hardly spoke at all tonight.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Classical Humanism in Art
5) Classical Humanism in Art Juxtapose two or more works from this period which you feel are illustrative of the renewed interest and enthusiasm for/reinvention of classical humanism. Describe the works in detail, discuss their internal symbols and larger social, cultural and political significances re attitudes to classical humanism C15 Italy Humanism intro Renaissance patrons understood the power of imagery and used it to extent their fame Courts throughout Italy were thriving centers of artistic activity and vied with each other for prominent humanist scientists, writers, architects,painters and sculptors Humanist subjects were taught in schools. The most enlightened renaissance popes encouraged the humanist assimilation of ancient greek and roman philosophies into their own Christian faith Inspired by the ideas in ancient greek and roman texts, which confirmed their new intellectual and scientific interests in understanding the world The praise of the deeds of great figures from antiquity that the humanists found in roman and greek texts supported the notions of pride and fame that were becoming important in a society whose major figures were successful business entrepreneurs and bankers Sought to supplement faith by insisting on the dignity of the individual and human potential for achievement Gave art and artist a new dignity and opened the way for a new level of literary discussions on art Natural observation –an important feature Expanding middle class, new types of art were commissioned by individuals to adorn their private town houses of country villas The dignity of the individual and new selfconsciousness promoted by e Italian humanists had an important influence on attitudes about artists Renaissance artists were viewed as trained intellectuals versed in the classics and geometry Artists became famous Began to create self portaits, a sure indication of theit new status Artists and workshops received a variety of secular and religious commissions Rulers continued to employ works of art for the traditional purposes of exalting and consolidating their power Rulers often commissioned portraits POLITICAL he humanists created, or recreated a structure of values different from that on which medieval ideals of chivalry and nobility were based. humanism was nurtured in the italian city-states, with their republican (not clerical or aristocratic) govts. , epitomized the new ideals of self-reliance and civic virtue - civic and mundane, not chivalric or contemplative. SOCIAL & CULTURAL the growth and spread of humanism is pre-eminent in the intellectual history of the fifteenth century but its r/s with the visual arts is complex and sometimes ambiguous. dontello's statues exhibit a dignity and realism. his works embodied the new ideal man of the renaissance and showed people as self-determined individuals, powerful and intellectually alive.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Financial Difficulties
Finance is a huge part of our life that everybody hope to be in good financial state. However, today, more than ever before, people are struggling with financial problems. According to a research conducted by AC Nielsen and ANZ in 2005, people often display six ways of thinking considered â€Å"unhealthy†that putting people under financial pressure including ‘living for today’, ‘financial disengagement’, ‘aspirational’, ‘emotional enhancement’, ‘ownership of credit’, and ‘credit as supplementary income†.Firstly, the prominent idea is â€Å"living for today†. It means that people just think and spend for their present lives, and do not pay much attention for their future. This way of thinking has a close connection with the â€Å" youthfulness†or the current young generation as they suppose the most important thing to fulfill the emotional life. They often to hang out for shopping or ha ving party with their friends as there are some who think they might die tomorrow. That why they have to enjoy; and live like that day is the last day of their life.While the youth strongly represent this unhealthy thinking, family is also found in this group. For example, a mother with a low income level might think her family is never to become rich; therefore, she must enjoy the moment. One more reason, some fluctuated income people are going to spend more today as they might receive more money in the near future. Unfortunately, they might never think of being in unexpected circumstances. Take illness or the death of the family member as an example. It is likely that they are unable to handle this situation.In fact, this way of thinking definitely triggers negative effects on people’s lives in the long run; hence, people must learn the way to draw out financial plan carefully to be always in safe. Secondly, ‘financial disengagement’. Who are mentioned themselv es are not kind of â€Å"financial minded†and don’t care much about their spending. They are seen as unorganized or easy going people. Similarly to â€Å" living for today†thinking, they put financial issue at the bottom of their perceived value and living for emotional and spirit fulfillment.There are some who have a good job with middle-high salary, they don’t think they need to worry as they can afford to pay their debts soon. They never thought of being in emergency such as they might lose their job or in case they get divorced. I myself experienced a hard time at my first year at my university living far away from my family. Lacking financial management skill, I just spent and bought everything I like without thinking about, managing, and tracking my expenses. As a result, I went out of money soon and cannot afford to necessary things after that. 3. aspirational’: – spending to â€Å"keep up with the Johnes’ meaning a person i s easily want to have the things that others have. He/she is likely to be influenced by others or environment. For eg: A Single Mother, Sally, lived in Rural for a long time, after that she move to the town near her daughter’s school.She start to wanting and needing more material things to fulfill her large house. Then she gradually buy more items. Consequences: they might buy the things that they do not really need. The ‘aspirational’ way of thinking is where people had a particular aspiration that strongly influenced their xpenditure. The unhealthy spectrum of this way of thinking was where this dominated, to an extent that it translated into over-spending and/or over-commitment. Common colloquialisms that people used to describe this way of thinking included ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ and ‘champagne taste on a beer budget’. 4. emotional enhancement’: described themselves as ‘impulsive’, closely related to mood s tate. there appeared to be a trend of using ‘material goods’ to manage emotions, especially negative thoughts. Eg: a single mother â€Å" I think a lot of it had to do with depression.I’m being treated for my depression with antidepressants and I feel so much better now†. Consequences: our spending might exceed our financial ability. In that case, buying are not help to feel better but put us to another worries related to finance. 5. ‘ownership of credit’: – over time an attitude of ‘it’s my money’. They fail to differentiate their money and the thing they perceive as a debt to a lender. ‘You get a false idea of your financial situation†¦ Because you are feeling like it’s your money and in actuality you are using it before you actually pay it. ’ Single Mother, 5 Children. 6. Credit as a supplement income way of thinking:
Thursday, November 7, 2019
William Blount essays
William Blount essays William Blount's great-grandfather, Thomas Blount, came to the Americas from England in 1660. He first resided in Virginia, then moved to North Carolina, and started his family. William was the eldest in his family, and was born in 1749 while his mother was visiting her father-in-law's Rosefield estate. This was near William was said to have received a good education although little is known. He also apparently had intrest for government since he was little. When the war started in 1776, Blount was appointed paymaster, who was in charge of wages, in the army of North Carolina. Then in 1778 he married Mary Grainier. They had six children, and one became active in Tennessee's govern- He spent the rest of his life in public office. Blount represented North Carolina in Congress. He sat in the lower house of the legislature for 4 years, from 1780-1784. During those years, he was the speaker of the house, and was a public speaker. He served in the upper house from 1788-1790, and spoke for them as well. Blount also took part in national politics, including two Continental Congress sessions in 1782-1783 and 1786-1787. Here he also represented his state of North Carolina. The next highlight in Blounts life, was being apppointed to be a delegate at the Constitutional Convention. At this time, he was 38 years of age. Although he already had a prior commitment to represent his state at the Continental Congress, He attended the Constitutional Convention for all but one month. He was a very quiet person who let other members take part in debates and and arguements, and kept his opinions to himself, whether they were follow- ing or opposing the crowd. He signed the Constitution with hesitation, and said only to make it "the unanimous act of the States in the Convention". Alt ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
12 Signs Youre Underselling Your Freelance Writing Services
12 Signs Youre Underselling Your Freelance Writing Services Youre living the dream as a freelance writerexcept its less like a dream and more like a nightmare. Barely scraping by, exhausted, resentful, hating writing even though you used to love it and at one tie thought that this would be the perfect job. What happened? Where did things go wrong? Chances are pretty good that it can be traced back to one simple cause: youre underselling your freelance writing services. Are You Underselling Your Freelance Writing Services? There are 12 signs youre underselling your freelance writing services and you might be surprised at how many you can identify with. If you find one that you know youre guilty of, tweet it and help out your fellow freelance writers. Maybe its time you considered raising your prices. 1. You havent raised your prices in a while. Are you still using those super-competitive 1970s prices? A year or two or five goes by quickly. Its easy to forget that you need to revisit your pricing and consider upping it to meet current industry levels. You need to make a living in the 21st century, not the 20th. Your prices must reflect that. Of course, maybe you already know this but you hate to inform current clients of price increases because youre afraid to lose them, or dread their response. How do you go about raising prices and setting your minimum acceptable rate? Youll need information. Whats the going rate in your area for what youre doing? How much money do you need to live? What are your business expenses? How much work do you currently have? Is more available? Knowing your clients, how many do you think will go away after a price raise? How many will stay? Once you know the facts (with #4 being an educated guess), uniformly raise your prices to be competitive and contact all of your clients. Be careful about giving one client a deal and not another; word gets around. Consider this strange thought: sometimes higher prices bring you into a new bracket of clients and can actually open doors for you that your lower prices would not. Mistake 1: You havent raised your prices in the past two years. 2. You are overloaded and overwhelmed with work. Youre working more than you ever did andmaking less. You could write a magazine article for $500 or you could write 25 blog posts for $20. While the magazine article will take hard work, it is one project, one client, one deadline, and one (if you want to think of it this way) headache. 25 blog posts means 25 deadlines, 25 clients, and a lot more management time as well as topics you need to write about. Its your choice: take every little low-priced piece of work that comes your way, or draw a line in the sand as a standard that you wont go below and stick by it. And that line? It has to be a livable line, i.e. enough money to live off of with a reasonable amount of time left for enjoying life. Mistake 2: Youre working more, but earning less. 3. Your clients dont even attempt to negotiate. Were not saying you should pick prices that are high enough to make your clients stop breathing when you announce them, but if you notice that your prices dont even make them pause and try to negotiate, maybe youre aiming too low. Negotiation isnt a sign that someone thinks youre trying to rip them off and that they need to get your pricing back in line. Instead, its a sign that they actually want your product, and are willing to do a little work to see if they cant get it on their terms. Negotiation is sometimes the sign of someone sticking around, not someone leaving. Dont set prices low so as to avoid negotiation. Set them higher to be in a better position for it. Mistake 3: Your clients dont attempt to negotiate. 4. Youre satisfied with less money and think exposure will pay the bills. Well sure, money sounds great. But if you lower the bar so that we can only pay you $10 dollars for your magazine article but youll get exposure doesnt raise alarm bells, you arent going to be freelancing for long. Youll be working a regular job and writing on the side. Small (or no) payment writing is often tagged with the promise of exposure. What is the price on that? Can you put exposure in your savings account? Evaluate just how valuable exposure is, and if the exposure a client promises can actually benefit you. Freelance writing will cover many topics. Many of the things youll write about will be wholly unrelated to each other, and to you as a writer. Exposure in that genre doesnt mean much. The clients audience probably doesnt care about you. Is the audience of this client interested in finding a freelance writer, or are they interested in the topic? If its the latter, they dont care who you are and what you do, and never will. They are the clients fans, not your fans. Dont forget youre the hired pen. The client needs your output, not you personally. Letting their audience know about your output is a nice ego boost, but it wont bring much back to you. That sounds harsh, but when you are earning your living, you dont have time for ego boosts. Rethink how you think about money. Understand the difference between a pittance and a paycheck. Mistake 4: Youll take less money and bank on exposure to pay the bills. Your time has value. Stop giving it away for free. 5. You have yet to equate time with money. Time = money. You have limited time. You determine what that time is worth. If you dont understand this, youll never appreciate how those low-priced freelance projects are actually a loss, and not real income. Youll only make a success out of taking low-paying jobs if you never sleep and have discovered a 30-hour day. For the rest of us, we must look at projects not only in terms of the money, but the time it is going to take us to earn that money and if it is worth it. How much time do you need for your family? How much time do you need for yourself to recharge? How much time do you have available if youre working a part-time job? Its all an equation, and youd better do the calculations because your time is definitely limited. Itd be a shame to trade an hour for $15 when someone else would have given you $50. If you dont understand that time equals money, youll get to know sleep-deprived exhaustion well, and mistake it for earning a living. Mistake 5: You dont equate time with money. 6. You dont think youre an expert. Ever thought anything like this? Im not good enough to write about that. I dont know enough. That other writer probably knows more than I do. No one would care what I had to say. You think youre a fraud. In some ways, expertise is a form of confidence, not knowledge. It is always just beyond our reach, and that means we operate one step out of our comfort zone and have to gather the courage and confidence to project a landing on the other side. Maybe you cant write detailed magazine articles about brain surgery, but you can grab at those topics youd never considered that dont require specialist knowledge. That gap between what you comfortably know, and what you are supposed to produce, is often closed by research, practice, and a proven system involving drafts and editing. Take the small leaps and become an expert when you stick the landing. Thats how you keep growing as a writer. Mistake 6: You dont think youre an expert. 7. You prefer to be safe above anything else. Theres nothing wrong with being safe. Preferring safety above all else, though, means youll grab any low-paying job that floats by. Its money. You need money. Not having money is scary. Its safe to take on anything that brings in money. Youd never consider turning down a chance to earn money, youd never gamble that something bigger and better is out there, because that is most certainly unsafe. I cant make promises and say that if you refuse the jobs that are priced to low, refuse the almost-free jobs that promise some form of exposure, that the Big One will land in your lap. It might not. Thats why its called a gamble: you sometimes take a chance and turn down those safe choices and set yourself up for the larger opportunities. Youll never land the Big One if you dont plan for it, and that planning wont happen when youre juggling endless low-paying jobs. Mistake 7: You prefer to be safe more than anything. 8. Youre terrified of confrontation. Youd rather do anything–ANYTHING–than deal with confrontation. But you know what negotiation is? Confrontation. And you know what asking for a livable rate is? Confrontation. Youre confronting the clients sincere desire to save money with your sincere desire to make a living. The best thing to do to get over being afraid of confrontation is to confront. You dont have to be aggressive, but letting your freelancing work be ruled by a fear of confrontation turns you into a doormat. Oh, how tempting it is for a client to use that fear of confrontation to get you to write a few extra draft ideas or give us some options or throw in a few hundred more words at the last minute before you get paid. Not all confrontation is angry, but it should be about fairness towards you and the client. And yes, some confrontation might lead to the end of a client account. Accept it and move on. Mistake 8: Youre terrified of confrontation. Learning to say no to clients is terrifying, but will help you get your work-life balance back. 9. The word no has yet to enter your vocabulary. Saying the word no is the only way youll keep your sanity, your health, and your abilities. Saying yes to everyone and every project is definitely going to lead to writer burnout and resentment. No, you dont have to take every project. No, being desperate is not always a good reason. No, you dont have time for that project though that doesnt mean the project isnt worthwhile for someone else. And yes, its OK to ask to get paid some or all up front. Mistake 9: You dont know how to say no. 10. Your only goal is paying rent. What kind of goal do you have with your writing? Is it merely to cover this months bills, or to pay off debt that controls your life? Hopefully, you have something larger in mind for your lifes work. While you may not want to write down a comprehensive business plan, it certainly helps you to write down what you want to see happen with your writing, and then give it a timeline. For example, if you have considerable debt or financial obligations that are driving you to take any and all jobs out of desperation, it might not hurt to get a side job for a while. Put debt reduction on the timeline and plan it out so you have an end goal to look forward to as you move on to the next step. Your writing should have a bigger goal than keeping you out of the hangmans noose. Hopefully, you want to achieve something more from your writing, such as being a published author with a book, or having a blog with X amount of daily traffic that you can live off of. Until you are out of the grip of financial terror, you wont even consider such goals and you wont take any steps to choose clients that can help you reach those goals. Youll take whatever you can get before the next bill is due. Your writing deserves to be more than insurance from debtors prison. Mistake 10: Your only goal is paying rent. 11. You are embarrassed to talk about yourself. Humility is in short supply these days, unfortunately, but when it comes to finding work and promoting yourself to a potential client, you need to be able talk about yourself realistically. For some people, talking about themselves, and talking themselves up is natural. But for some artists and writers (myself included), talking about your abilities in even mildly positive terms is very challenging because it feels like bragging. When asked, you dont have to say I am the greatest writer ever! but you should be able to say I have the experience and I can write this for you. If you find yourself quickly getting used to self-promotion, a word of caution: Dont over-promise and find yourself in a mess later because you actually dont have the chops to deliver what you promised. Be honest about what your abilities are. This includes things like: How quickly you can work. How many projects you can manage at once. What topics you are able to write on. Whether you can work with other writers or designers on a project. Technological capabilities. Do you know how youd answer if asked any of these? If not, this is a good time to take stock of what you can do, and be ready to answer confidently. Be confident, not cocky, about yourself. Theres no shame in that. Mistake 11: You are embarrassed to talk about yourself. 12. You think pricing is the only reason clients come back. A low price might be the only reason clients come back if their sole goal is saving a buck. (Do you really want those clients?) You forget that amazing service, fantastic writing, and an overall slice of awesome will trump cheap every time for clients worth your time. When you know you have the skills and the ability to deliver a great product, you can confidently ask for higher rates. And, when you deliver, your clients will have no problem the next time they come back for additional writing services. Clients who come back because you have cheap prices are clients that are going to make your life miserable. They arent there because of what you can do, theyre there because of what they plan to do. Theyre bean counters and are going to wring every last free drop out of you that they can. There is a strange inverse connection between the amount a client pays and the noise level they make. Clients that are at the level where they understand legitimate pricing also are professional enough to not bother or micromanage you. They trust your skills, as a professional. Cheap is cheap.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14
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