Saturday, May 23, 2020
Case Analysis - 1258 Words
Ana Case Study Analysis Written By: Marcella Fullilove Grand Canyon University: PCN 500 Counseling Theories 3/21/2012 Instructor: Dr. Cheryl Fisher The use of a case study analysis can help a student or group apply the best theory to an individual’s problems or issues. The green team will face the challenges as therapist to provide the necessary problem solving skills that may be suitable to this case study. Ana is the adult female in this case study who is face with different types of problems or issues. The green team will analyze the information, apply best theory, and provide results that will be appropriate for Ana’s major stressors. As there may be no wrong or right answer, it is the work of great minds†¦show more content†¦Therefore, we are uncertain whether or not her family knows that she is not in school. It seems that a lot of importance has been put on education in her family, but college is not for everyone. Other special issues to consider would be the lack of coming to her sessions, isolating herself from others, having panic or anxiety attacks than norm. The main issue, the green team cons iders most of all would be deep depression due to the overall major stressor. As therapists, we have toShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Case Analysis : Case Study2888 Words  | 12 PagesRunning head: CASE ANALYSIS 1 CASE ANALYSIS 9 Case Analysis (Author’s name) (Institutional Affiliation) Introduction The case is about Modrow Company, the subsidiary of Tri-American Corporation based in Canada. The branch has 1000 employees whose primary function is fabricating aluminum. The advantages of Modrow are its locationRead MoreImp Case Analysis739 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Æ' 1. Would a TNA be needed in this situation? Why or why not? If yes, who would you want to talk to? 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Compare ccontrast Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Humanistic Approaches Theoretically Practically Free Essay Example, 3000 words
Psychology by definition includes many aspects linked to human consciousness and an individual perspective, which cannot be eschewed if behavior is to be examined. In the 1930’s Skinner however, made a valuable contribution to behaviorism through the development of the operant response and the reinforcement theories (Skinner, 1969). The Cognitive perspective evolved in direct opposition to the shunning of the mental perspective in behaviorism. There was more value attributed to the conditioning forces in the environment as being factors shaping human behavior while the contribution of insight or internal consciousness was largely classified as non observable phenomena. Staddon and Simmelhag (2001) pointed out the inability of Skinner’s theory to explain certain recurring behavioral patterns that cannot be explained by the stimulus-response effect of adaptation of behavior. When Skinner’s reinforcement experiments were carried out by taking time intervals into consideration, inconsistencies developed in the response patterns that appeared to indicate that there was something greater than a pure adaptive response that was g overning and conditioning behavior. The recognition that the underlying cognitive element was an important aspect that was related to behavior assumed importance in the 1970s. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare & ccontrast Cognitive Behaviour Therapy & Humanistic Approaches Theoretically & Practically or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Therefore, an application of the cognitive component has been found to be useful in introducing self regulation in aggressive students and has been more effective than purely behavioral controls. (Smith et al, 2005) The cognitive perspective applies the function of behavior as dependent upon two aspects of the thinking process (a) knowledge and (b) appraisal. The first stage of knowledge comprises the knowledge that a person possesses about how things work while the appraisal phase consists of the person’s own internal evaluation of how well he is able to utilize that knowledge to ensure his well being. The result of such appraisal will in turn determine an individual’s behavior and an appraisal that perceives a negative utilization of knowledge is likely to produce mal adjustment.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Study Guide for the Medieval Morality Play Everyman
Written in England during the 1400s, The Summoning of Everyman (commonly known as Everyman) is a Christian morality play. No one knows who wrote the play. Historians note that monks and priests often wrote these types of dramas. Morality plays were vernacular dramas, spoken in the language of the people, rather than the Latin of the Church. They were meant to be seen by the common people. Like other morality plays, Everyman is an allegory. The lessons being relayed are taught by allegorical characters, each one representing an abstract concept such as good deeds, material possessions, and knowledge. Basic Plot God decides that Everyman (a character who represents an average, everyday human) has become too obsessed with wealth and material possessions. Therefore, Everyman must be taught a lesson in piety. And who better to teach a life lesson than a character named Death? Man Is Unkind God’s chief complaint is that humans are ignorantly leading sinful lives; they are unaware that Jesus died for their sins. Everyman has been living for his own pleasure, forgetting about the importance of charity and the potential threat of eternal hellfire. On God’s bidding, Death summons Everyman to take a pilgrimage to the Almighty. When Everyman realizes that the Grim Reaper has called upon him to face God and give a reckoning of his life, he tries to bribe Death to â€Å"defer this matter till another day.†The bargaining doesn’t work. Everyman must go before God, never to return to Earth again. Death does say that the hapless hero can take along anyone or anything that may benefit him during this spiritual trial. Friends and Family Are Fickle After Death leaves Everyman to prepare for his day of reckoning (the moment in which God judges him), Everyman approaches a character named Fellowship, a supporting role that represents Everyman’s friends. At first, Fellowship is full of bravado. When Fellowship learns that Everyman is in trouble, he promises to stay with him until the problem is resolved. However, as soon as Everyman reveals that Death has summoned him to stand before God, Fellowship abandons him. Kindred and Cousin, two characters that represent family relationships, make similar promises. Kindred declares, â€Å"in wealth and woe we will with you hold, for over his kin a man may be bold.†But once Kindred and Cousin realize Everyman’s destination, they back out. One of the funniest moments in the play is when Cousin refuses to go by claiming he has a cramp in his toe. The overall message of the play’s first half is that relatives and friends (as reliable as they may seem) pale in comparison to the steadfast companionship of God. Goods vs. Good Deeds After getting rejected by fellow humans, Everyman turns his hopes to inanimate objects. He talks to a character named â€Å"Goods,†a role which represents Everyman’s material possessions and wealth. Everyman pleads for Goods to assist him in his hour of need, but they offer no comfort. In fact, the Goods chide Everyman, suggesting that he should have admired material objects moderately ​and that he should have given some of his goods to the poor. Not wanting to visit God (and subsequently be sent to hell), Goods deserts Everyman.​​ Finally, Everyman meets a character who will genuinely care for his plight. Good-Deeds is a character who symbolizes the acts of charity and kindness performed by Everyman. However, when the audience first meets Good-Deeds, she is laying on the ground, severely weakened by Everyman’s many sins. Enter Knowledge and Confession Good-Deeds introduces Everyman to her sister, Knowledge. This is another friendly character who will provide good advice to the protagonist. Knowledge serves as an important guide for Everyman, instructing him to seek out another character: Confession. Everyman is led to Confession. Many readers expect to hear scandalous â€Å"dirt†on the main character, and expect him to beg forgiveness, or hope he will at least apologize for whatever sins he has committed. Such readers will be surprised here. Instead, Everyman asks for his vices to be wiped clean. Confession says that, with penance, Everyman’s spirit may become clean once more. What does penance mean? In this play, it means that Everyman undergoes a severe and purifying form of physical punishment. After he suffers, Everyman is amazed to discover that Good-Deeds is now free and strong, ready to stand by his side during his moment of judgment. The Five-Wits After this purging of the soul, Everyman is ready to meet his maker. Good-Deeds and Knowledge tell Everyman to call upon â€Å"three persons of great might†and his Five-Wits (his senses) as counselors. Everyman calls forth the characters Discretion, Strength, Beauty, and Five-Wits. Combined, they represent the core of his physical human experience. Unlike the first half of the play when he begged for help from his friends and family, Everyman is now relying on himself. However, even though he receives some good advice from each entity, he realizes that they will not go the distance as he journeys closer to his meeting with God. Like previous characters, these entities promise to stay by his side. Yet, when Everyman decides that it is time for his body to physically die (perhaps as part of his penance), Beauty, Strength, Discretion, and the Five-Wits abandon him. Beauty is the first one to leave, disgusted by the idea of lying in a grave. The others follow suit, and Everyman is left alone with Good-Deeds and Knowledge once again. Everyman Departs Knowledge explains that he won’t be going into the â€Å"heavenly sphere†with Everyman, but will stay with him until he departs from his physical body. This allegorically implies that the soul does not retain its Earthly knowledge. However, Good-Deeds (as promised) will journey with Everyman. At the end of the play, Everyman commends his soul to God. After his departure, an angel arrives to announce that Everyman’s soul has been taken from his body and presented before God. A final narrator enters to explain to the audience that all should heed the lessons of Everyman: Everything in life is fleeting, with the exception of acts of kindness and charity. Overall Theme As one might expect from a morality play, Everyman has a very clear moral, one that is delivered at the beginning, middle, and end of the play. The blatantly religious message is simple: Earthly comforts are fleeting. Only good deeds and God’s grace can provide salvation. Who Wrote Everyman? Many morality plays were a collaborative effort by clergymen and residents (often tradesmen and guild members) of an English town. Over the years, lines would be changed, added, and deleted. Therefore, Everyman is probably the result of multiple authors and decades of literary evolution. Historical Context When Everyman summons the Five-Wits, a fascinating discussion about the importance of the priesthood follows. FIVE-WITS:For priesthood exceedeth all other thing;To us Holy Scripture they do teach,And converteth man from sin heaven to reach;God hath to them more power given,Than to any angel that is in heaven According to the Five-Wits, priests are more powerful than angels. This reflects the prevalent role of priests in medieval society. In most European villages, the clergy were the moral leaders. However, the character of Knowledge mentions that priests are not perfect, and some of them have committed egregious sins. The discussion concludes with a general endorsement of the Church as the surest path to salvation.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Order Of The White Moon Goddess Gallery Presents
THE ORDER OF THE WHITE MOON GODDESS GALLERY PRESENTS The Goddess Bridget A Level 1 Final Project for The Sacred Three Goddess School by Stephanie Atwood, also known as Morgan Le Fae, Initiate of The Order of the White Moon ( © 2015. All original material in this site is under copyright protection and is the intellectual property of the author.) The Goddess Brigit I chose to do my project on Brigit for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I had an amazing experience in Glastonbury, England, that pulled me towards the Goddess way. I took part in a special Goddess evening at the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury, where Brigit was channeled and she provided me with a very special message to pursue what’s in my heart. There was something†¦show more content†¦They were from two different families, two of which had animosity between them. Brigit and Bres hoped that their union would bring the two families together, however it only started war. Brigit gave birth to three sons, all of which became famous warriors. When the war between the two families broke out, Bridget’s son, Ruadon, stuck and killed the other families son, but before he drew his last breath struck and killed Ruadon. This sent both families into utter sadness and despair. It is said that Bridget let out a cry of sorrow so heart wrenching, everyone could hear. This event, however, unified Bridget’s role as a Goddess of peace and Unity. The two families stopped fighting after this event. Eventually the love and respect for the Goddess Bridget brought unity to the Celts who were spread throughout Europe. In the Christian era, 19 nuns at Kildare tended a perpetual flame for Saint Bridget, which is widely believed to be a continuation of a pre Christian practice of women tending a flame ion her honour. At her most famous shrine near Kildare, Bridget taught humans hot to gather and use herbs for their healing properties. She also taught humans hoe to care for their animals and livestock and how to forge iron into tools. This shrine is believed to have been an ancient college of priestesses who were committed to 30 years of service, after which they were free to leave and marry. As a Goddess of childbirth and the protector of allShow MoreRelatedThe World s Largest Catholic Fraternal Service Organization1573 Words  | 7 PagesLorraine Adams There are many things that happened before our time that are just as important today as century ago. In order to understand what a big impact our history can have on us today we have to step back in time. It s important to know the stories of those before us. I find it fascinating because it tells me so much of what it was like during that time. We need to hear these stories, preserve them, and pass them down to those that come after us. After visiting The Knights of Columbus I learnRead MoreGreek Mythology8088 Words  | 33 Pagesan important role in Greek mythology, and stories about them conveyed serious themes. The Greeks considered human heroes from the past closer to themselves than were the immortal gods. A Gods Given the multiplicity of myths that circulated in Greece, it is difficult to present a single version of the genealogy (family history) of the gods. However, two accounts together provide a genealogy that most ancient Greeks would have recognized. One is the account given by Greek poet Hesiod in his Theogony (Genealogy of the Gods)Read MoreA Dialogue of Self and Soul11424 Words  | 46 Pagesthat day.’ Both the occasion (‘that day’) and the excursion (or the impossibility of one) are signiï ¬ cant: the ï ¬ rst is the real beginning of Jane’s pilgrim’s progress toward maturity; the second is a metaphor for the problems she must solve in order to attain maturity. ‘I was glad’ not to be able to leave the house, the narrator continues: ‘dreadful to me was the coming home in the raw twilight . . . humbled by the consciousness of my physical inferiority’ (ch. 1).1 As many critics have commented
Health and Social Care Dissertation Topics Free Essays
our site – FREE ESSAYS – DISSERTATION EXAMPLES 1. Introduction to Health and Social Care Dissertation A Health and Social Care study is aimed at providing a multidisciplinary course towards an academic qualification in the health and social care area which is grounded on social sciences. Contrary to alternative disciplines which emphasize upon clinical training, the focus of Health and social care studies is upon the social experiences and understanding of health and social care, including assessment and evaluation of key trends and evidences, informing, monitoring and evaluating programs and interventions, the policy issues and delivery and management of services. We will write a custom essay sample on Health and Social Care Dissertation Topics or any similar topic only for you Order Now The research in health and social care area tends to focus upon the real needs of communities. Here are a list of health and social care categories within which you can base your research: 2. Categories and List of Dissertation Titles The subjective purpose of the health and social care research necessitates a debate regarding the ethical and methodological challenges associated with primary research within this field. Apart from research methods, some of the key areas in health and social care research includes: problems related to children and youth; health and social care systems and policies; issues such as ageism, substance abuse, violence, and mental and physical disparities; and the right for health. The following is a list of titles within these areas from which you can choose you own dissertation topic. 2.1Research Methods 2.1.1 Ethical Challenges Associated with Health and Social Care Research 2.1.2 Ethical and Methodological Challenges Associated with Primary Research Related to Physically and Mentally Challenged People 2.1.3 An Overview of Ontological View and Epistemological Position of Social Sciences Research 2.2Problems of Children / Maltreatment against Children 2.2.1 Impact of Maltreatment upon the Development of Child Adolescent. Outlining an Intervention Strategy for Underdeveloped Societies 2.2.2 Bullying Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Children with Disabilities; Assessing its Prevalence and Identifying Risk and Protective Factors 2.2.3 Prevalence of Neglect and Violence against Children with Hyperactivity Disorder 2.2.4 The Impact of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination upon the Development of Children of Minority Groups in (any heterogeneous society) 2.2.5 An Overview of Factors that Contribute to Child Neglect; A Comprehensive Literature Review of Risk and Protective Factors and Intervention Strategies 2.3Social Services / Inequality / Poverty / Social Justice 2.3.1 Social Inequalities and the Exposure to Environmental Risk Factors in Terms of Health in UK 2.3.2 An Examination of a Social Pattern in Environmental Risk Exposure Among Various Risk Groups in an Underdeveloped Country 2.3.3 The Reformation of Pension System in China (Or any Other Country Which is Undergoing Social Services Reforms) 2.3.4 In Depth Case Studies of Charitable Foundations Providing Basic Health and Social Care Services in Pakistan 2.3.5 The Impact of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination upon Minority Groups in India; Risk Factor for Health Disparities 2.3.6 Assessing the Financial Sustainability of Health Care System in UK; Recommendations for Policy Making 2.3.7 Development of an E-Commerce Learning Disability Service; A Feasibility Report for a Service Similar to E-Bay for Social Care Service Providers and Users. 2.3.8 Reviewing the Social Policy Changes in UK throughout its History Century; An Analysis of Literature 2.4Ageism 2.4.1 The Impact of Technology on Social Life in Modern Times; Impact upon Generational Division 2.4.2 Evaluating the Financial Sustainability of Health and Social Care System of an Ageing UK 2.5Substance abuse 2.5.1 Determining Measures that can Reduce Recidivism in Substance Abuse Patients 2.5.2 Strategies to Reduce Recidivism after Rehabilitation in Substance Abuse; Case Study of Successful Interventions 2.6Right to Health 2.6.1 An Overview of Occupational Health and Safety Management System in an Underdeveloped Country; The Absence of Local Health and Safety Standards Among SMEs 2.6.2 Determining the Factors that Affect the Prescription Tendency of Doctors in (Any Locality) 2.6.3 Developing a Framework for Evaluating Ethical Marketing Practices in Pharmaceutical Marketing 2.6.4 Does Visual Exposure to Greenery has Positive Physiological and Behavioral Impact 2.6.5 Examining the Associations between Workplace Environment Design in Term of Greenery and Employee Well-Being 2.7Mental and Physical Disparities 2.7.1 An Evaluation of Intellectual, Emotional, Physical and Social Benefits of Creative Play for Disabled Children 2.7.2 Documenting Alternative Accounts of Life after Physical Impairment; Reflecting a Positive Social Identity Following Impairments 2.7.3 Exploring the Personal Narrative of an Athlete’s Journey to Paralympics; Achieving International Sporting Success after a Life Changing Accident 2.7.4 An Overview of Literature Regarding Methods for Teaching Social Skills to Children with Asperger’s and Autism 2.7.5 Correlation between Unpleasant (Polluted) Living Conditions and Personality Disorders 2.7.6 Social Stigma Related to Depression; Evaluating the Public Perception Regarding the Causes of Depression and its Impact on Treatment Seeking Attitudes 2.7.7 Depression: A Global Health Concern; Analyzing the Most Common Onsets of Depression in UK 2.8Policies Related to Immigrants 2.8.1 An Assessment Health and Social Care Services Provision to Immigrant Labor force in UAE 2.8.2 The Impact of Social-Economic Inequalities upon the Development of Children of Immigrants in UAE 2.9Violence; Interpersonal / Women 2.9.1 Determining the Prevalence and Factors that Lead to Domestic Violence against Women in UK in the 21st Century 2.9.2 Reintegration of Ex-Combatants (Soldiers Returning From Afghanistan or Iraq) into the Social Fabric; Recommendations for Policy Making and Developing Specialized Social Care Services 2.9.3 Assessing the Consequences of Normalization of Domestic Violence against Women in Terms of Social and Mental Development 2.9.4 The Impact of Gender Discrimination upon the Development of Young Girls in Traditionally Conservatives Societies 2.10 Problems of youth 2.10.1The Correlation between Gender, Religion and Self Actualization, and Death Anxiety in Young People 2.10.2Youth Violence in UK; Identifying Risk Factors and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Prevention Strategies How to cite Health and Social Care Dissertation Topics, Essays
Manage People Performance In International Hotel †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Manage People Performance In International Hotel. Answer: Introduction Managing people performance, especially in the hospitality industry is critical to the success of an organization. In most cases, the efficiently managed workforce is never vulnerable (Amanda 2014). Motivating worker and reviewing their performance can benefit the organization. This paper focuses on the manage people performance based on the International Hotel Group. The primary focus is the appointment of the front desk supervisor for the company. This is because; the front desk is the heart of the Group. The Role of HR Manager at the Hotel in developing and improving theperformance management systems to support the operational goals of the International Hotel Group Job Description Position Summary The primary responsibility of the Front Office Manager is to supervise the team members thus ensure smooth and efficient operations for producing guest satisfaction and excellent feedback. The manager is expected to respond in a courteous and professional manner to clients by offering timely and accurate information (Ombudsman Western Australia 2017). The officer will also ensure that the officer concerned process hotel charges diligently and accurately to guests invoices and accounts. The front office should also ensure the bill instructions are verified. Duties and Responsibilities The front desk supervisor supervises shift process daily thus ensure the team members comply with the codes of conducts and standard operating procedures Responds to in-person and telephone inquiries relating to the guest concerns, hotel information, and reservations Resolves customer-related problems, complaints, and issues quickly and efficiently thus maintain exemplary customer quality services and satisfaction Supervises the front desks operations to optimize hospitality and services Cross-checks and updates the billing instructions Acts as the EPBX equipment operator including assisting outgoing and incoming calls Updates auctions the hotel log books and front office log books Ensures exceptional customer care Coaches, trains, directs, and coaches team members to ensure outstanding operations Responds to the inquiries of guests accurately and courteously Maintain a courteous, cheerful, and friendly demeanor Uses new selling techniques to increase room revenue, occupancy, and rights The HR manager of the International Hotel Group can allocate duties and responsibilities to the team members are critical in achieving the hotels objectives and maximizing the productivity of the workforce. This implies the decision regarding the duties and tasks to be performed would depend on the delegation and intent of themanagement (Cheng, Wang Chu 2011). Importantly, one needs to be considerate and judgmental in making this decision to assign duties. For instance, the HR manager must identify the best individual who can handle the task of front desk office. The best-fit means the HR manager combines the task and people to produce the target. The defining factors in delegating or allocating tasks include the skill-set of a team member, current workload, equitable workload distribution, motivation, and the anticipated outcomes. The limiting factors will also help in assigning tasks to the team member. Risk Analysis Meeting Minutes Date Agenda 1 Work allocation and resources The International Hotel Group is an outstanding organization with several investment companies thus demonstrates its financial position and guests. The firm considers the cultural intelligent staff and specialists to serve in the front desk. The individual must have a multicultural expertise. The meeting with the employee ascertained that the best person to serve as a front desk officer should be able to welcome guests from different countries and possess a multicultural expertise (Abbah 2014). The Group also considers an individual who can demonstrate quality and relevant skills leading to quality customer services and maintain reputation. Since the company receives various guests, the manager needs to be culturally capable. Importantly, the manager should have the capacity to attract and motivate quality staff thus strengthen the repeat customers. Therefore, the manager must understand the Groups strategic business objectives and comply with the organizations value statements. The frontline manager must have the ability to maintain quality services and offer guests unique hotel experience. The front office supervisor has an appropriate training level. The officer must have taken the supervisory course thus supervises, coordinates, and trains the employees of front office, especially with lower grades Agenda 2 Risk analysis and assessment Risk Mitigation The manager lacks formal education on risk management Invest in workforce development and enroll in course on certificate IV Underpaying the managers Use the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 that defines the minimum annual salary the hotel can pay its employees. The managerial staff classified within Schedule D should earn $37,722 annually (AHA 2010). 20.2(a) provides salaries options. It defines the benefits regarding the conditions and terms of employment that the company must comply with as if Part-time employment (clause 12) is important in the case of the appointed front desk officer (AHAWA 2016). The employee is also covered under clauses 21, 29, 31, 32, 33. 34.2 37.1(b) (i) regarding the additional arrangements for full-time workers (AHA 2010). Termination conditions In case the termination of the employment is done, the Group shall disburse all the wages and overtime The employer shall award the worker salary, overtime, and penalty compiled within the period (AHA 2010). The employer shall also pay the worker all the untaken leave if terminated Termination shall be conducted upon the receipt of notification. Minimum training The employee who has failed to attain an appropriate training level and engages in receipt of monies, delivers duties, supplying and dispensing (Burton 2012). This employee should be assigned tasks depending on their skills These workers can be trained to achieve a higher level of supervisory course, stock control, and coordination and training The level 1 employees are engaged in front office duties including cashier, receptionists, telephonist, reservations, and information services The level 1 is allowed to perform general duties like basic data entry, typing, calculations, routine and clerical office duties, such as collating, delivering messages, photocopying, filing, and accounts. The Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 also recognizes the significance of Level 2 workers who have appropriate training levels. These employees also perform front office duties, advanced clerical duties, night auditing, accounts, and general clerical duties. Breaks Clause 31 recognizes the employees are entitled to breaks like meal breaks less than one hour The Group is also allowed to grant the worker a meal break any day Where workers operate for more than five consecutive hours, it is prudent to grant them a meal break that shall be viewed as time worked Operational Plan The operational plan demonstrates the best practices that the Group should undertake to achieve the objective of the hotel. Indeed, the operational plan focuses on nearly the entire company, especially departments. Within the operational plan, the major player is the human resource department that is mandated to allocate tasks and duties to the front desk office. This has made the priority of the organization to be the allocation of tasks. The key priority indicators are also covered with the management taking the responsibility. Operational plan Operational goals KPI Team Priority Developing the operational plans for the International Hotel Group and front desk operations Establish the plan by October The implementation and monitoring of the progress semi-annually Management, and HR manager 1 Standardizing and allocating tasks with respect of front desk supervisor Review the process and policies to consult with other team members HR Manager 2 Attracting and retaining the experienced and qualified staff Identify and review the qualifications and experience of staff HR Manager 3 Train staff to gain appropriate level Introduce career development programs Trainers, supervisor, HR manager 5 Improve the front desk services and qualities Deliver the plan to the management Human Resources and development 4 Introduce loyalty programs and improve the Groups image Develop marketing plan Use customer retention Marketing department 7 Introduce marketing appeal to attract customers Conduct customer surveys Frontline 6 Code of conduct In the International Hotel Group, doing business is an indisputable practice as the firm confirms its commitment to operating honestly thus upholds the ethical standards (Amanda 2014). The commitment of the company defines its business and brand. The International Hotel Group code of conducts supports decisions and principles. Interestingly, the code of conduct is applied to its workforce including employees, officers, and directors (Solomons 2015). Solomons has affirmed that the company intends to remain responsible for its operations and practices. Conflicts of Interest The company is interested in avoiding any conflict of interest. The company expects the employees to avoid situations where financial, family, or personal interest conflict. The company believes that the move will allow the stakeholders like suppliers to trust the firm in its operations by encountering a potential conflict of interest (Solomons 2015). The line managers must disclose their interests and avoid any decisions that conflict with their interests. Bribery and corruption The International Hotel Group remains committed to operating with integrity and honesty by prohibiting bribery in all circumstances (Chamorro-Premuzic 2014). Nobody is allowed to make promises or bribes for favors. The bribes include anything of value like allocating and individual complementary rooms improperly. It also ensures that its consultants and agents avoid making unofficial payments. Gifts and entertainment The company allows the management and officials to think about entertainment and gifts (Fair Work Ombudsman 2017). It gives clear orders to its employees to avoid taking gifts, favors, hospitality, complementary arrangements that can be used to influence business operations improperly. The employees must report and comply with the Groups requirements regarding gifts and entertainment based on the policy. Delegation of authority The employees should not commit any expenditure without approvals. It has established its delegation of authority policy that encompasses the initial projects, commitments and expenditures, and contracts (Lynn 2012). The employees should use the Hotel Accounting Manual to manage the Group. Accurate reporting The company expects its accountants to make accurate tax return and financial reporting (Lynn 2012). The accounting estimates and judgment should be prudent and reasonable. It is illegal for the officials to falsify reports or provide misleading reports and records. Diversity and inclusion The company is committed to ensuring its workforce becomes a representation of the communities. It values everyone despite their background because it believes that unique individuals brand different ideas (Knani 2014). Creating an inclusive culture encourages performance thus offers equal opportunity for all. Respect in the workplace The Group has never tolerated employee harassment. It prohibits any form of harassment like derogatory remarks, sexual harassment, threats, and slurs, jokes regarding color, disability, and gender among other parameters (Knani 2014). The managers must create a good atmosphere free of harassment and discrimination. All employees must be treated with professionalism. Performance reviews The Group organized a performance management meeting on 8/9/2017. The attendees of these meeting were the front desk employees and the line managers. The topic of discussion during the meeting included: Performance management plan: The plan was meant to serve the interests of front desk employees who had new responsibilities and roles (Melia 2010). The managers wanted to prepare the employees for the new roles upon the improvement of their skills. The managers also opted for coaching-style interaction because this format allowed the employees and managers to interact (Burton 2012). The issues of concern focused on the teamwork and communication as the best practices the company needed to improve. At the end of the meeting, the stakeholders agreed on the key performance indicators that could be used to monitor progress accordingly. The participants agreed that the first performance review would be conducted on 17 November 2017. Apart from the key performance indicators, the stakeholders agreed to use a performance development plan to help workers improve the skills and obtain appropriate performance levels. Upon the completion of the meeting, the participants signed off and agreed to add these sessions to their profiles. Employees performance Performance management and development plan Front desk supervisor Human resource manager Reviewed period: 3 months Reference from operational plan Key result area Indicators of success/performance By/ When Status report 1 Skills and performance Positive customer response HR Manager 13/11/17 Pending 2 Quality customer services Repeat customers Marketing manager 30/10/17 Pending 3 Motivated workforce Improved productivity and financial output HR officials 30/12/17 Pending Managers comments: Great improvement after the training and coaching Signature: ---------------------- Date: -------------------------- Staff members comments: Continues to adapt to the new challenges. Increased interaction and teamwork Signature: --------------------------- Date: --------------------------------- Performance Development plan Planned Action Key Result Area Indicators of Success/ Performance By/ When Status Report In-house training and meetings Organizational performance Improved customer services HR manager 16/10/2017 Pending Coaching and teamwork Relationship building Enhanced teamwork and collaboration Trainers 13/11/2017 Pending Supervisory course Leadership and responsibility Improved performance Professionals 18/11/2017 Pending Managers comments: The employees stand to benefit from the planned actions Signature Date Staff members comments Has changed and can now incorporate relevant ideas into work Signature Date Bibliography Abbah, MT 2014, Employee motivation: the key to effective organizational management in Nigeria, Journal of Business and Management, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 1-8. AHA 2010, Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010. Available at: AHAWA 2016, July 1, Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010: 2016 Wage Rates Allowances Guide. Available at Amanda 2014, March 18, Six ways to improve work performance and motivation, YouEarnedit. Available at: Burton, K 2012, May, A study of motivation: how to get your employees moving, Thesis Spring. Available at Chamorro-Premuzic, T 2014, November 12, To motivate employees, help them do their jobs better, Harvard Business Review. Available at: Cheng, T-C, Wang, WC Chu, TC, 2011, A case study on the business performance management of Hilton Hotels Corp, International Business Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 213-218. Fair Work Ombudsman 2017, August 11, Pay guide- Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 [MA000009]. Available at: Knani, M 2014, Ethics in the hospitality industry: review and research agenda, International Journal of Business and Management, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1-8. Lynn, C 2012, Review of hospitality ethics research in 2009 and 2010, Journal of Hotel Business Management, vol. 1, no. 1, Melia, D 2010, Critical success factors and performance management and measurement: a hospitality context, Conference Papers. Available at Ombudsman Western Australia 2017, January, Guidelines: effective handling of complaints made to your organization- an overview. Available at Solomons, R 2015, Code of conduct. Available at:
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Study of Emerging Trends in Networking-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Study of Emerging Trends in Networking. Answer: Introduction This paper aims to provide a critical understanding of what already exists and what needs to be done with respect to isolation security in cloud computing. Each tenant does not know about the presence of different tenants in nature of cloud computing, which implies that each tenant thought they have possessed all administration asset and information in framework [5], notwithstanding, multi-tenant information is put away together keeping in mind the end goal to make certain the security of use information, so the application and information of tenants must to be disconnected totally, it is important that each tenant cannot be permitted to get to the information of others, the security answer for every one of the tenants of the information is probably going to be influenced truly if confinement is fall flat or not finished [1], it is extremely basic to examine on multi-tenant information detachment to guarantee the security of each tenants. New solution for isolation of Multi-tenant Data isolation Multi-tenant information disconnection is a basic innovation in multi-tenant plot, the inability to detach the information will be the safe concealed inconvenience in multi-tenant condition to each tenant [8]. In Multi-tenant condition, the information does not permit to be shared, so the related defensive measures ought to be taken to help multi-tenant information cannot be gotten to by different tenants. Multi-tenant information detachment is generally isolated into three levels, including an independent database, a shared database, isolated data structure and shared database, shared data architecture. Independent Database: This scheme is that each tenant has a different database, so tenant information confinement is the most abnormal amount and security is ideal, however the cost is too high. Advantages: For each tenant there is autonomous database, which rearranges the development of the information model and meets the one of a kind needs of various tenants [5]; if something would fall flat, it is moderately easy to reestablish the information. Drawbacks: With the expanding number of establishment database, the support expenses and buy costs are higher. This plan resembles the conventional one that a client, an arrangement of information, an arrangement of organization, the main contrast is that the product are brought together orchestrated by administrators [3]. This plan is appropriate for the bank and doctor's facility that information require an abnormal state of the information isolation. This plan can be enhanced the rental evaluating [1]. On the off chance that the cost is low, the item takes the low street. At that point this plan is not fit. Shared database and data structure isolation: In Figure 1 it is demonstrated that increasingly or every one of the tenants share the database, however an tenant relates to a different (Schema is the arrangement of database objects, keeping in mind the end goal to recognize the different sets expecting to give each set a name, for example, a table compares to a mapping's item, the pattern name is by and large equivalent to the tenant's record name) [2]. The plan supply intelligent information seclusion for the higher security of tenants' necessity is not totally confined. FIG. 1 Structure of shared database isolation FIG. 2 Structure of shared data isolation Benefits: every database can support more number of tenants. Weaknesses: if a disappointment happens, information recuperation more troublesome, in light of the fact that the database will include different tenants of the information [6]; therefore, there is a need for cross-tenants measurements, there are sure challenges. Shared database and shared data structure: In Figure 2, it is demonstrated that the tenants share with a same Database Schema, yet in the information table by Tenant ID (tenant ID) recognize the tenants of information. This is the most elevated amount of sharing, the least level of information separation. Advantages: the cost of maintenance and buying of the third plan is the most minimal, and it enables every database to help the biggest number of tenants. Disadvantages: The least disconnection level, least security, planning and advancement is required to build the measure of the security improvement; It is the most hard to information reinforcement and reestablish, need to be single by the table [7]. In the event that slightest measure of servers are required to give administrations to up to tenants, and tenants acknowledge the cost of lower disengagement level to trade for the cost, at that point this plan is the most reasonable. Application isolation Multi-tenant application isolation, for the most part considers the diverse levels of the application sending innovation framework, is generally isolated into sharing middleware strategies and virtualization strategy [4]. They share middleware and application segments among numerous tenants, just distinction is the degree. Conclusion Different answers for application and information disengagement of multi-tenant in cloud computing condition are being analyzed lastly and it has been distinguished that each tenant can run autonomously and cannot interfere with each other in this application situation. It will ensure each tenant running in cloud computing condition securely and furthermore improve the information security of cloud framework. There is a move towards obligatory get to control based frameworks from optional get to control based frameworks. This is unmistakably noticeable because of the huge number of frameworks that fuse virtualization procedures or equipment based methods or dialect based systems. Mandatory access control procedures gives little power to the client to subvert a framework because of the get to components certainly incorporated with the framework amid its development. For instance, utilizing sort safe compliers like Java consequently expels cushion flood vulnerabilities, utilizing virtu alization procedures limits program execution to a totally isolate machine and accordingly is characteristically more grounded than fundamental insurances given by a procedure. References [1.] Aziz, A., Fireeye, Inc., 2014. System and method of detecting time-delayed malicious traffic. U.S. Patent 8,635,696. [2.] Del Piccolo, V., Amamou, A., Haddadou, K. and Pujolle, G., 2016. A survey of network isolation solutions for multi-tenant data centers. IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, 18(4), pp.2787-2821. [3.] Heinz, J.M. and McNaughton, J.L., Centurylink Intellectual Property Llc, 2014. System and method for provisioning resources of a packet network based on collected network performance information. U.S. Patent 8,743,700. [4.] Jeyakumar, V., Alizadeh, M., Mazires, D., Prabhakar, B., Kim, C. and Greenberg, A., 2013. EyeQ: Practical network performance isolation at the edge. REM, 1005(A1), p.A2. [5.] Krebs, R., Momm, C. and Kounev, S., 2014. Metrics and techniques for quantifying performance isolation in cloud environments. Science of Computer Programming, 90, pp.116-134. [6.] McDysan, D.E., Verizon Business Global Llc, 2014. System and method for managing communications in an access network. U.S. Patent 8,693,323. [7.] Touboul, S., Cupp Computing As, 2016. System and method for providing network and computer firewall protection with dynamic address isolation to a device. U.S. Patent Application 15/201,309. [8.] Yin, S., Li, X., Gao, H. and Kaynak, O., 2015. Data-based techniques focused on modern industry: An overview. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62(1), pp.657-667
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